

Susan Egenolf is Associate Professor and Associate Head in the English Department at Texas A&M University.  She is author of The Art of Political Fiction in Hamilton, Edgeworth, and Owenson (Ashgate/Routledge, 2009), and editor of the Wives and Mothers and Extended Families volumes of British Family Life, 1780-1914 (Pickering and Chatto/Routledge, 2013).  Her monograph-in-progress is “Josiah Wedgwood and the Shaping of British Art and Empire.”

Hilary Havens is Associate Professor of English at the University of Tennessee.  She is the author of Revising the Eighteenth-Century Novel: Authorship from Manuscript to Print (Cambridge UP, 2019); editor of Didactic Novels and British Women’s Writing, 1790-1820 (Routledge, 2017); and co-editor of the forthcoming Volume 8 of the Cambridge Edition of the Correspondence of Samuel Richardson.  She is currently editing two editions of Frances Burney’s Cecilia for Cambridge UP.

Jessica Richard is Associate Professor of English at Wake Forest University.  She is the author of The Romance of Gambling in the Eighteenth-Century Novel (Palgrave), editor of The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia by Samuel Johnson (Broadview), and co-founder and and co-editor of The 18th-Century Common, a public humanities website for enthusiasts of eighteenth-century studies.  

Robin Runia is Professor of English at Xavier University of Louisiana. She is editor of The Future of Feminist Eighteenth-Century Scholarship: Beyond Recovery (Routledge, 2019), and she has published numerous essays and articles exploring gender and genre in women’s writing of the long eighteenth century. She is also editor of the Early Modern Feminism series (University of Delaware Press).

Digital Team

Bryan Tarpley is Associate Research Scientist for Critical Infrastructure Studies at the Center of Digital Humanities Research (CoDHR) at Texas A&M University. His work in the digital humanities involves building data infrastructure tools (like Corpora) that cater to humanities research. His chief duties at the center are to perform software development on CoDHR projects, consult with project owners, manage server infrastructure and the Humanities Visualization Space, and occasionally teach DH-oriented classes. His Ph.D. in English focused on affect theory in contemporary literature.

Meredith Hale is an Associate Professor and Metadata Librarian at the University of Tennessee. She holds master’s degrees in Information Science and Art History from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and in English literature from the University of Sussex. At Tennessee, she manages the creation and sharing of MODS metadata for digitized special collections materials and provides technical support to the Digital Library of Tennessee, the state’s DPLA service hub.

Carrie Johnston is the Director of Research and Scholarly Initiatives at Southern Methodist University Libraries. She holds a Ph.D. in English from Southern Methodist University. Her work on women’s literature and labor issues in digital humanities has appeared in American Quarterly, Studies in the Novel, College Literature, and Amerikastudien / American Studies.

Current Student Research Assistants  

Jamie Kramer is completing her Literature PhD at the University of Tennessee. Her research interests include affect theory and eighteenth-century conceptions of sympathy and sensibility, object studies, material culture, and the didactic purpose of the eighteenth-century novel. Her dissertation will focus on material objects in eighteenth-century novel plots that facilitate emotional responses in both the character and, by extension, in the reader.

Project Alumni

Heather Barnes is the Digital Curation Librarian at Z. Smith Reynolds Library. Her role at ZSR includes developing data management strategies for digital scholarship projects and supporting library digital preservation initiatives. A graduate of the doctoral program at UNC Chapel Hill’s School of Information, her research focuses on documentary film preservation. 

Micah Cook graduated in Spring 2024 with a BA in English and a concentration in Biology. Micah attended the MELP Introduction to Digital Humanities Summer Seminar in 2023 and learned TEI.

Youma Diabira is an English Major, Education Minor. She attended the MELP Introduction to Digital Humanities Summer Seminar in 2023 and learned TEI.

Katherine Haire is an MA Candidate at the University of Tennessee. Her research focuses include medieval laywomen’s literacy, manuscript studies, and the intersection of magic and religion in hagiographic and romantic texts. Her thesis,  I Am Woman: The Complicated Relationship between Fairy Mistresses, Virgin Martyrs, and the Medieval Patriarchy, considers the implications of medieval authors’ tendencies to utilize magical or divine intervention to subvert the patriarchal discursive structure of medieval society.  

Autumn Hall is an undergraduate majoring in English literature and Political Science at the University of Tennessee. She served as a Research Assistant for Professor Hilary Havens in spring 2023. She is also the News Editor at The Daily Beacon, a Student Assistant at the Judith Anderson Herbert Writing Center, and an External Relations Intern at TVA. In her free time, she enjoys hiking and camping in the Great Smoky Mountains.

Aryaam Hashi is an English Major with minors in Biology and Chemistry. She attended the MELP Introduction to Digital Humanities Summer Seminar in 2023 and learned TEI. She continued to encode letters during Fall 2023.

Zoie Irby is pursuing her BA at Wake Forest University. She assists with writing metadata and processing image files.

Ivy Kiernan is a student pursuing their BA in English Literature and Cinema Studies at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Their role involved assisting Dr. Hilary Havens in the transcription and processing of Maria Edgeworth’s correspondences for the benefit of the project. 

Ziona Kocher is a PhD Candidate at the University of Tennessee. Her dissertation, Breeches: Theatrical Cross-Dressing, 1675-1795, considers the ways in which cross-dressing on the long eighteenth century stage contributed to the production of a range of queer genders and sexualities. 

Seolha Lee is a PhD student in the Department of English at Texas A&M University specializing in British Romanticism. Her research interests include the eighteenth- and nineteenth- century literature, digital humanities, and disability studies.

Andrew Murphy received a BA in English from Wake Forest University in 2020 and is a student in the MS Library Science program at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Kelsey Urgo was the Developer for Digital Scholarship at Wake Forest University, 2017-2018, and the designer of the original Maria Edgeworth Letters website.

Eliza Alexander Wilcox is Ph.D. candidate in English at the University of Tennessee, specializing in long nineteenth-century British literature and culture, queer femme studies, and medical humanities. Their digital project, Queering Anatomy, focuses on using digital encoding methods to reveal queer thought and taxonomy in Victorian anatomy museum ephemera. 

Advisory Board

Pamela Clemit

Claire Connolly

Tim Fulford

Devoney Looser

Susan Manly

Clíona Ó Gallchoir

Laura Runge